Just what the world needs, another blog with more opinions being put online. For me, it’s been a while since I’ve decided to write again. My hope really is that someone, someday might find what I write here useful. If not, at least it will help me organize my thoughts in a place where I can more easily utilize it in the future.
These blog updates will most likely be all over the map. It will be based on what God is bring to my mind and what I have been noodling over. Based on past experiences that can be a lot of different things. So we will see how this grows and develops over time. But for now, know the this will be a brain dump from me and, who knows, maybe helpful for you to grow closer to God or at a minimum understand my crazy mind a bit more.
Well with that said, the journey begins and hopefully it will be a productive one. If you would like to comment on what I am thinking, I would truly appreciate it. Feel free to leave a comment or email me at David[at]davidkorff.com.